Trail To Treasure


FREE Summer Tours

Wednesday - Sunday 11:15 am and 2 pm

No registration necessary

There will be a sign-up sheet at the front desk on the day of each tour.

Welcome to Seattle's first neighborhood. Pioneer Square is the historic birthplace of Seattle and Seattle's first historic district. Follow the routes on the Trail to Treasure map to get to know the people who became local legends - some born and raised here, others who traveled from afar to settle in this historic neighborhood. You'll also learn stories of the special places and events that helped shape the history and development of Pioneer Square, the city of Seattle and the greater Puget Sound region.

Historical Walking Trail & Waysides

Find a Trail to Treasure walking map at the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park and the information booths at Occidental Square and Pioneer Square Park. Pick up a map and start your historical tour from any of these spots..

You’ll find Trail to Treasure exhibits along the sidewalks throughout Pioneer Square. These informational panels feature historical photos and facts that give pedestrians the opportunity to see the urban environment around them as it once was.

Whether you come across a wayside, take a summer tour, or start at the first point on the Trail to Treasure walking map, we’re excited to have you explore the history of the neighborhood and of Seattle!

The Trail to Treasure program is funded in part by the 4Culture Lodging Tax.