Local Sightings 2022 – Opening Night Shorts: Head Trip [In Person Only]

Local Sightings 2022 – Opening Night Shorts: Head Trip [In Person Only]



Please join us for a night of community, laughter, and psychedelic vibes, featuring films by three Seattle-based filmmakers!

In our main feature Thank You, MS PAM, the inimitable Tariqa Waters, curator of Pioneer Square’s Martyr Sauce Pop Art Museum, hosts an unconventional talk show. With her signature question, “What’s in your lunchbox?”, Waters probes the minds of Seattle dancers, tattoo artists, musicians, and restaurateurs to explore the joys of their pasts and their loves of today.

These idiosyncratic films share stylish, hyperkinetic editing, absurdist humor, and an emphasis on uplifting local talent. As one of Reckless Spirits’s characters advises the other, “Warn me next time you trip.” Consider yourself warned.