The Death Disturbers - Mimi Sturman

The Death Disturbers - Mimi Sturman


Th Dec 5


Mimi Sturman is delighted to present her newest installation, Mortem Et Incommode Quamplurima - the Death Disturbers. Inhabiting Lynn Hanson Gallery, her installation depicts a future visit by three sisters from another planet who have arrived on earth to save humanity. These tall (up to 7 ft) entities have been constructed over the past year by felting Icelandic wool with a single needle to form these amazing creatures. Colorful and exotic, be prepared to enter another time and place —and to discover their story, Additional artifacts will be available for viewing and purchase. Exhibit from Dec 5 to Feb 1 2020 On Dec 14, 2019, a reception will be held at Lynn Hanson Gallery in which Mimi will discuss her artistic vision and this exhibit. Reception is 2 to 4 pm - question/answer with the artist at 3 pm.