Bootstrapping to 6 Figures Plus

Bootstrapping to 6 Figures Plus


W / 5-7pm

Bootstrapping to 6 Figures Plus


Details Come talk to our panelists about how we've bootstrapped (grown the company without outside funding) to 6 figures. Connect to other entrepreneurs, help others and get the help as well as connections you need to succeed in our local community. Bootstrapping To 6 Figures Plus Come learn about an idea. 9 am check them out, they're building our local entrepreneur community by sharing ideas and giving founders honest constructive feedback. Anyone who comes to 1 million cups at 9 can work from Atlas for the day. From 5 to 7 pm we will have our Cofounders Connect Networking and Mentoring event. For the first time in never, I will be on the panel will be on with me as well as David Wu and Justin Wu.