Opening Reception: Integrus Sketches

Opening Reception: Integrus Sketches


TH / 5-8pm

Opening Reception: Integrus Sketches

Please visit the A Gallery for the opening reception of Integrus Sketches, an installation and collection of work by Integrus Sketchers, on Thursday, May 2nd, 2019, during Pioneer Square Seattle's First Thursday Art Walk. Flocks of birds often soar above and around us, in fluid yet chaotic flowing formations as they migrate. They are individuals but fly with shared destination and purpose. Integrus Sketchers set a destination and embark together; co-mingle at random, deviating but always on the same path of discovery; we convene to share the fruits of our journey. We are guided by a communal passion but compelled by individual vision. Stemming from a curiosity of new places and urban spaces, a desire to explore the built environment morphed into frequent sketch excursions of Integrus architects, interior designers and structural engineers to various locations in Seattle and Spokane. Integrus Sketchers are thinkers, observers, delineators and urban enthusiasts who aspire to see the world from a different perspective. This installation seeks to celebrate our collective desire to discover, engage and record our surroundings, and to embody the value we place on sketching as part of our design process.